Stephanie Vetne

Life, Journaling, Creativity, and Lessons I've Learned

A first for me

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A photo shoot!!!

I made sooooo many mistakes, but I’m glad because I’ve already learned so much!


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5 responses to “A first for me”

  1. Donna Avatar

    Beautiful photos!

  2. Mary Rogers Avatar
    Mary Rogers

    Steph – these are wonderful….and I truly think that learning is part of the process…
    hey when you get a chance peek in my 2Peas Gallery…dh & I shot my niece’s senior pics….we are already planning our next outing with her….it was so much fun!!!

  3. Kelley Popp Avatar

    great job Steph! I have a shoot coming up a wedding actually and I am a nervous wreck. Got any pointers??

  4. heather (boobugbear) Avatar

    Ummm….Steph….You are *way* too hard on yourself! These are wonderful!!! Please, please share how you talked yourself through this. I’ve got a few things lined up and as they get closer, I’m getting more and more nervous. eeeks!!

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