Stephanie Vetne

Life, Journaling, Creativity, and Lessons I've Learned

August 7, 1994

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Twelve years ago, we had only known each other for 11 months. And took a chance on love. Having met the previous August, we knew within days that we were meant for each other. Actually Tom knew sooner than me – after spending our first morning together, he told his mother that he was going to marry me. And only two weeks later, we were engaged. My family was shocked (and scared probably). My best friend said it wouldn’t last. And I couldn’t really understand it myself, but I had no doubt that I was doing the best thing for me. I am not impulsive or spontaneous, but I simply knew that he was the one for me. And I was right. 🙂

Happy Anniversary, honey! I am yours forever.


7 responses to “August 7, 1994”

  1. Christine Traversa Avatar
    Christine Traversa

    what a beautiful photo! happy anniversary!

  2. heather (boobugbear) Avatar

    Steph. That picture is *so* beautiful! I hope your anniversary was wonderful!

  3. StefHamilton Avatar

    Awwwww, that’s so sweet, and you both look adorable! Would it surprise you to know that Mike and I had exactly the same thing happen to us? Of course it wouldn’t. 😉 Happy anniversary!! 🙂

  4. Stephanie Homburg Avatar
    Stephanie Homburg

    you look the same!!
    Happy Anniversary

  5. kimber mcgray Avatar

    love the picture.
    congrats steph!

  6. Linda J Avatar
    Linda J

    Beautiful photo – so happy for your celebration. Happy Anniversary!

  7. Mary Rogers Avatar
    Mary Rogers

    Look at you! Such a beautiful bride….love you Steph. Happy Anniversary!!

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