Stephanie Vetne

Life, Journaling, Creativity, and Lessons I've Learned

in a state of confusion

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You never know how quickly your life can change. And I apologize ahead of time for this story – I’ve had very little sleep and I’m in a state of confusion right now. But, I need to get this written down while it’s still fresh in my memory.

On Sunday morning, closer to noon actually, Elizabeth ( 5 years old) had a seizure. It took me a minute to realize what was going on. She had complained of a very bad headache and asked to sit on my lap. I was trying to pull her onto my lap when it seemed as if she started kicking me very hard. I tried to turn her around to scold her and that’s when I realized that her entire body was rigid and her eyes were rolling back in her head. In my panic, as I tried to stand up and help, she suddenly went completely limp and rolled out of my arms onto the ground. Her eyes were open, but still rolled back. After a few seconds of me screaming her name, her eyes did gradually focus on me and she started coughing. Then I realized that she was as pale as I’ve ever seen a human be – green almost. I called my husband, called her pediatrician, and then we ended up calling 911 because she was not very functional at all. She would speak if spoken to, but was mostly just staring at me and continued to be a very funny color. The paramedics took us into the hospital by ambulance and then admitted her for tests. She has had a brain CT scan, an MRI, and an EEG.  The CT scan and MRI are normal and we’re waiting for the EEG results.

Part of me thinks that she’s had seizures before that I didn’t know were seizures.  The doctors gave me some literature to read and I read it after I got home and something rang a bell. It described tiny seizures that look as though the person has "spaced out" – staring into space for a few seconds followed by a little jolt of awareness and a pale face. She’s done that. And always seems to laugh funny at the end and has no memory of me calling her name or anything. My mom noticed it in Maine this summer and commented on it to me and I just blew it off. But, she was struck by the funny look on Libby’s face and how pale she was. So, it may have been seizures.

Where we go from here is the unknown. Again. I have such a strange feeling of deja vu. But, with a different kid. Once again we enter unknown territory. Possibly into a disorder that will affect my child’s entire future. Again.

I’m not sure where to go right now. Except forward. And to wait. For someone to give me an answer.

Kindergarten starts on Monday. I’m not sure I’m going to be able to just drop her off and walk away from her for the whole day. Again. Just like last fall with Emily. I want answers. I just want answers.

43 responses to “in a state of confusion”

  1. Becca Avatar

    Steph I’m praying for you–please PLEASE let me know if there’s anything I can do from here.

  2. PhotohappyCdn Avatar

    I am keeping your family in my thoughts and prayers.

  3. rachel Avatar

    thinking of you steph! HUGE healing hugs to you, your family and finding answers!

  4. rogerskk Avatar

    Hugs, Steph. I hope you find some answers soon.

  5. Elizabeth Avatar

    my heart goes out to you guys. i hope you find something very soon!!

  6. Kimberly Brock Avatar
    Kimberly Brock

    Steph~ I’m sad to hear this about your DD. I have a 5 1/2 yr old so I know how scary this must’ve been for you. I’m saying some prayers for her & your family. ((HUGS too!)

  7. Joy U Avatar

    Oops in my first comment. I meant, Oh no. Take care, hon.

  8. Joy U Avatar

    Oh now, Steph. I’m so sorry. Keeping you guys in my prayers.

  9. Susan Avatar

    prayers going out to you and your family Steph. Im at a loss of words. HUGE hugs.

  10. Francy Avatar


  11. SpiderGirl aka Angela Avatar
    SpiderGirl aka Angela

    Thinking of you. And I don’t give them freely: (hugs)

  12. Francine Avatar

    sending prayers and positive thoughts your way (((HUGS)))

  13. karynterlecky Avatar

    Step, I am so sorry that you have to go through this, the unknown, the fear all over again! I am so glad to hear that the CT Scan and the MRI were clean. That is a positive in this. I know the unknown is really hard. P and PT that you get your answers soon and that all can be well.
    My Dad has a Seizure Disorder. His last seizure was 35 years ago. I was only 5 but I remember being very scared. My heart breaks knowing how scared you must have been for your little girl. I will be thinking of you.

  14. Julie Ann Shahin Avatar

    Prayers sent your way.

  15. Mandy Avatar

    Praying for you and your family…I hope you get the answers you need soon! ((HUGS))

  16. dar Avatar

    Ohh Steph, how horrible and scary. You and my baby girl are in my thoughts and prayers. Hope you get a diagnosis soon. Big hugs to you.

  17. Angie Avatar

    I am so sorry to hear about Elizabeth. I hope that you receive the information that you need soon. The worst is the limbo of not knowing.
    Prayers and hugs to you and your sweet family.
    Angie ~ Cupcake

  18. Allisonmud Avatar

    Oh, Steph! One of my friends is going through this EXACT thing right now, also waiting for EEG results. You and your sweet baby will be in my prayers!

  19. Christine Campbell Avatar
    Christine Campbell

    Oh, Steph, I’m so sorry!!
    (((HUGE HUGS)))) to you and to Elizabeth. You guys are all in
    my thoughts.
    If you need ANYTHING, just ask, please.
    keep us posted when you can.

  20. *Keri* (GodzJewelx) Avatar

    ((((HUGS))))))) to you and your precious, precious baby girl. I pray that you get the answers and the treatments that your daughter needs ASAP.

  21. kelly edgerton Avatar

    Steph, my prayers continue to be with you and both of your sweet, precious daughters. This is rough and frightening for all of you. My prayer is that you will find peace of mind and comfort, and that the girls will be well. {{{HUGS}}} Be strong, my friend. You can do this!

  22. Chrys Avatar

    Oh Steph! I’ll will keep you all in my prayers!!!!!! ((((((HUGS)))))

  23. kimber mcgray Avatar

    Lots of Hugs for both you and Emily.
    Prayers for everyone.
    Love you guys!

  24. michele Avatar
  25. Kelley Popp Avatar

    Steph, I am so sad for you and little Libby. I will keep all of you in my prayers. May the answers you are seeking come quickly.

  26. Lisa Avatar

    Big (((HUGS))) Steph 🙁

  27. Claude Avatar

    You are in my thoughts! All of you! Take care of yourself and little E!

  28. scrapologie Avatar

    Oh Steph, I am so sad to read this. How scary that must have been. I can’t even imagine. I hope you get answers very SOON. You and Libby will be in my prayers. (((((HUGE HUGS))))

  29. tia Avatar

    huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge hugs and prayers steph!!!!
    remember baylor went through this, and he’s had no residual effects and no seizures or strokes since his initial episode….there is hope!!!

  30. slammie Avatar

    GIANT HUGS to you all! P&PT that they figure out what’s going on soon….

  31. Missy_G Avatar

    Keeping you both in my thoughts. I hope you have some answers by now.

  32. Mary Rogers Avatar
    Mary Rogers

    I love you Steph and hope that you can find some answers soon….(((hugs)))

  33. sherry steveson Avatar

    I’ve been thinking of you both. Please let us know how you guys are.

  34. Stephanie Homburg Avatar
    Stephanie Homburg

    what else??? I feel like you guys have been through so much 🙁
    hugs and prayers to you

  35. Lisa Avatar

    Oh Steph I am sorry! How scary! 🙁 Your family certainly has had enough to deal with. I wish there was something I could do or say to help, even if it is just a loan of a shoulder and an ear. Hugs to you; all of you!

  36. Stephanie (skermit) Avatar
    Stephanie (skermit)

    Steph – huge ((HUGS)) to you, Elizabeth and your entire family. I can’t even begin to imagine how your feeling right now, but I am always here if you need anything.

  37. Linda J Avatar
    Linda J

    Steph – my prayers go out to you and your family. Hoping that the doctors have some good news for you very soon. {hugs}

  38. Ashley Gailey Avatar

    Oh Steph! I’m sending good thoughts your way. I can’t imaginw how scary that must have been.

  39. StefHamilton Avatar

    I’ve been thinking about you and Elizabeth for the past few days, hoping that you would have some good news soon. I’m still hoping really hard that everything is fine. (((hugs)))

  40. Janet Ohlson Avatar
    Janet Ohlson

    Ah man.
    My youngest stepdaughter had those absence (ab-SONS) seizures. Just like the ones you described where it seemed she was spacing out…but she never had the big one. I hope that’s all E has…it’s very easily medicated. HUGS to you guys!!

  41. Lisa Truesdell Avatar

    ooooooh, steph. my mama heart is breaking for you. i hope you get answers quickly. thinking of you. ((hugs))

  42. Kelly Goree Avatar

    prayers going out to you and your family and especially elizabeth, steph. i just don’t even know what else to say. Huge hugs.

  43. Sharyn (Torm) Avatar

    oh girl….I can’t even imagine, I’m so sorry! Here’s hoping you get some solid answers!! HUGS!!!!!

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