Stephanie Vetne

Life, Journaling, Creativity, and Lessons I've Learned

Confessions of a doggy-mommy failure

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True confession time: I am not liking being a doggy-mommy very much. :(  Sawyer is more attached to me than anyone else in the family and, instead of enjoying it, it is totally stifling to me. Plus, he's still nipping the kids if I'm not watching him constantly. The dog trainer says that will stop with time (every time I correct him he does stop now) but that in the meantime, I can't leave him in the same room with the kids unless I'm in that room, too. Which is just almost impossible to do and leads to kids screaming because he's jumping on them or nipping at their legs or taking things out of their hands. In all fairness, he is better than he used to be, but I'm just done with it.

And then there's the part where I'm really tied to my house. I've been dying to go visit several friends or go shopping for the day with my sister-in-law but I can't because he has to be walked. I can be gone for about 4 hours at a time, but that is it. The only way I was able to visit Sharyn was because he was getting neutered. And the smell of a dog in the house is driving me up a wall. Not to mention the barking, the baby gates up everywhere and on and on.

Honestly, it's so much worse after getting back from Sharyn's house. Having 36 hours without him was so wonderful. And, somehow, during those 36 hours with him away, I had a horrible thought enter my mind. "He's not a child. We can give him away to a family who will love him and value him more than us. We don't HAVE to keep him." And I've been struggling with that thought a lot this week. Every time I get mad at him, it enters my mind and nags at me, tempting me to take the easy way out. I could go back to having 7 hours alone while the kids are at school. We could take off to Chicago for the day. We could go down to Indy and visit family for the weekend. We could…..we could….if only we didn't have the dog.

I realize that this means that I'm a total failure at this doggy-mommy stuff. It feels so horrible to even admit all of this. I'm the one who introduced the whole idea of a puppy to everyone. It was me who wanted him. But, I was simply naive. I didn't see or understand the restrictions it would put on me. And those restrictions are just killing me and my mind wanders into the idea of giving him away again. But, I know that I can't live in limbo with that thought. It's truly horrible and eating away at me. It's not fair to me, to Sawyer or to the kids. I have to commit to either embracing the dog or find him another home. There's no inbetween.

For the sake of the kids, I'm going to do my absolute best to banish the possibility of giving him away from my mind. It's like divorce. If divorce is an option for you, it's easy to take that road when things get tough. If divorce is not an option, you have no choice but to work things out. I need to remember that with the dog.

One of the reasons I wanted a dog, a golden retriever in particular, was for Libby. I wanted her to have a soft place to fall, a dog that she could take care of and love and nurture. And she adores him. Often, when he's calm and sleepy, I'll find her sitting beside him petting him and talking softly to him, crooning little messages into his ear. I guess I need to keep that image in my mind.

So, we're having a fence company come to give us a quote on fencing in our backyard this week. I think it will help if he can be outside without being on a leash. He can run and run and get out the excess energy, he can have time to explore and play even when I don't feel like walking him again, and I can throw him outside when he's driving me crazy. I'm fairly certain we can't afford a fence. But I'm also fairly certain that I'm not going to have any sanity if I don't find a way to pay for the fence. So, I guess I'm committing to embracing the dog.

40 responses to “Confessions of a doggy-mommy failure”

  1. Deanna Kroll Avatar

    Steph, I know EXACTLY what you mean. I just got Isaac in February and life has not been the same. It’s really hard when they are puppies, because of the chewing, nipping and not listening. I don’t remember my last dog being as needy as my puppy now, but I know it will get better, in due time. I need to look into a fence for Isaac as well…he needs more outside time for his and my sanity. Hugs girl!

  2. Deanna Kroll Avatar

    Steph, I know EXACTLY what you mean. I just got Isaac in February and life has not been the same. It’s really hard when they are puppies, because of the chewing, nipping and not listening. I don’t remember my last dog being as needy as my puppy now, but I know it will get better, in due time. I need to look into a fence for Isaac as well…he needs more outside time for his and my sanity. Hugs girl!

  3. stefhamilton Avatar

    We have a fenced yard and a doggy door, which are wonderful during the day, because Kona will go outside and lay on the deck and play with her doggy neighbors until we get home. This only worked though, after she learned to stop howling. :-p Mike’s the alpha dog, and he keeps her in line. When we got her, she was kind of unruly, but that’s because the people who had her before us couldn’t spend a lot of time with her and she was bored. That’s actually why they gave her away. So we keep her pretty active, and we don’t have problems. Hang in there!

  4. stefhamilton Avatar

    We have a fenced yard and a doggy door, which are wonderful during the day, because Kona will go outside and lay on the deck and play with her doggy neighbors until we get home. This only worked though, after she learned to stop howling. :-p Mike’s the alpha dog, and he keeps her in line. When we got her, she was kind of unruly, but that’s because the people who had her before us couldn’t spend a lot of time with her and she was bored. That’s actually why they gave her away. So we keep her pretty active, and we don’t have problems. Hang in there!

  5. Cathy Avatar

    My vote is for invisible fencing. Our 2 acres is done and it’s the best thing we did for our Airedale. She can come and go as she pleases and nobody has to walk her in nasty weather, at night or in the snow.

  6. Cathy Avatar

    My vote is for invisible fencing. Our 2 acres is done and it’s the best thing we did for our Airedale. She can come and go as she pleases and nobody has to walk her in nasty weather, at night or in the snow.

  7. Sue Thomas Avatar

    I know how much this is eating at you, Steph and I’m sending you big hugs! Any way you could hire a dog walker to give you a bit of a break everyday? We have a teen in our neighborhood who adores our dogs and is completely trustworthy so we use her if we’re going to be out late. If she was free during the day I would totally hire her to come give the dogs a mid-day break.

  8. Sue Thomas Avatar

    I know how much this is eating at you, Steph and I’m sending you big hugs! Any way you could hire a dog walker to give you a bit of a break everyday? We have a teen in our neighborhood who adores our dogs and is completely trustworthy so we use her if we’re going to be out late. If she was free during the day I would totally hire her to come give the dogs a mid-day break.

  9. Steph Avatar

    Thanks for the nice comment and advice, Melissa! I really appreciate it. 🙂

  10. Steph Avatar

    Thanks for the nice comment and advice, Melissa! I really appreciate it. 🙂

  11. Melissa Avatar

    Well, I wish you the best and know that it will get easier. They’re like having a husband…sometimes fun, sometimes not, but they kind of grow on you. Oh, and try to get on a schedule if you haven’t already. Dogs thrive on schedules and routine. He won’t be a puppy for long and it’ll get easier, I promise.

  12. Melissa Avatar

    Well, I wish you the best and know that it will get easier. They’re like having a husband…sometimes fun, sometimes not, but they kind of grow on you. Oh, and try to get on a schedule if you haven’t already. Dogs thrive on schedules and routine. He won’t be a puppy for long and it’ll get easier, I promise.

  13. Steph Avatar

    Thanks for taking the time to comment, Melissa. However, I think you’ve gone
    too far. Please don’t assume that you can take all of your bad experiences
    and make a judgment about me based on other people that you’ve met. There’s
    nothing wrong with enjoying having time away from a pet. Heck, I enjoy
    having time away from my kids and my husband but that has no bearing on my
    love for them. There’s a lot more that I could say, but I’ll leave it at
    that because I don’t want to judge you without knowing you. 🙂

  14. Steph Avatar

    Thanks for taking the time to comment, Melissa. However, I think you’ve gone
    too far. Please don’t assume that you can take all of your bad experiences
    and make a judgment about me based on other people that you’ve met. There’s
    nothing wrong with enjoying having time away from a pet. Heck, I enjoy
    having time away from my kids and my husband but that has no bearing on my
    love for them. There’s a lot more that I could say, but I’ll leave it at
    that because I don’t want to judge you without knowing you. 🙂

  15. Melissa Avatar

    I’m a dog rescuer. I spend hours and hours, and thousands of dollars taking in and rehoming dogs that people “really wanted”. Its a difficult subject for me because it seems that people put more thought into which car to buy, then whether or not to get a dog.
    I don’t mean to criticize, but I have to ask…if you don’t like being at home every four hours, don’t like the smell of dogs, don’t like walking a dog…then why did you get a dog? I don’t like heat, so I don’t live in the desert, know what I mean? Did you really think he could be left alone for a weekend while you went out of town? I guess its difficult for me to understand. I find it really sad that 36 hours away from him was wonderful for you. He is a living, breathing animal with feelings. He had no choice in coming to live with you, is completely at your mercy, and yet you’re happy to be away from him. I’m sorry, but this is really sad and unfair.
    The nipping will stop, especially with a golden. A fence will also help. But having a fenced yard isn’t a babysitter for your dog, just as a tv isn’t a babysitter for kids. He’ll still need to be walked and played with and worked with. However, the fence will make it easier.
    If in fact, you do decide to give him up, I beg of you to locate your local golden rescue, and NOT use craigslist, as dog fighters troll CL for bait dogs.
    Whatever you choose, I wish you and Sawyer the best.

  16. Melissa Avatar

    I’m a dog rescuer. I spend hours and hours, and thousands of dollars taking in and rehoming dogs that people “really wanted”. Its a difficult subject for me because it seems that people put more thought into which car to buy, then whether or not to get a dog.
    I don’t mean to criticize, but I have to ask…if you don’t like being at home every four hours, don’t like the smell of dogs, don’t like walking a dog…then why did you get a dog? I don’t like heat, so I don’t live in the desert, know what I mean? Did you really think he could be left alone for a weekend while you went out of town? I guess its difficult for me to understand. I find it really sad that 36 hours away from him was wonderful for you. He is a living, breathing animal with feelings. He had no choice in coming to live with you, is completely at your mercy, and yet you’re happy to be away from him. I’m sorry, but this is really sad and unfair.
    The nipping will stop, especially with a golden. A fence will also help. But having a fenced yard isn’t a babysitter for your dog, just as a tv isn’t a babysitter for kids. He’ll still need to be walked and played with and worked with. However, the fence will make it easier.
    If in fact, you do decide to give him up, I beg of you to locate your local golden rescue, and NOT use craigslist, as dog fighters troll CL for bait dogs.
    Whatever you choose, I wish you and Sawyer the best.

  17. Molly Peckham Avatar

    you are not a bad doggy mom at all. we all go through this, i promise. a fence will help, for sure, it will get out a lot of the excess energy! 🙂

  18. Molly Peckham Avatar

    you are not a bad doggy mom at all. we all go through this, i promise. a fence will help, for sure, it will get out a lot of the excess energy! 🙂

  19. Marie Starr Avatar
    Marie Starr

    Your post reminded me of the movie, “Marley & Me”. It also served as a reminder of why we don’t have a dog; another reason being my allergies, but that’s a whole different post.
    I love your photo of Sawyer! That face says it all! lol!
    Good luck with the fence project.

  20. Marie Starr Avatar
    Marie Starr

    Your post reminded me of the movie, “Marley & Me”. It also served as a reminder of why we don’t have a dog; another reason being my allergies, but that’s a whole different post.
    I love your photo of Sawyer! That face says it all! lol!
    Good luck with the fence project.

  21. Deborah Wisker Avatar

    I feel for you Steph. I had 2 goldens about a year apart in age. One was perfect and the other was a mad man. I spent a considerable amount of $$ on training and continued some obedience drills almost every day until one day he finally chilled out-at age 7!!
    Peamail me or email me if you have questions or need to vent!

  22. Deborah Wisker Avatar

    I feel for you Steph. I had 2 goldens about a year apart in age. One was perfect and the other was a mad man. I spent a considerable amount of $$ on training and continued some obedience drills almost every day until one day he finally chilled out-at age 7!!
    Peamail me or email me if you have questions or need to vent!

  23. Pamela Young Avatar

    The fence will help a lot! Time will help too. I know where you are coming from though…hang in there!

  24. Pamela Young Avatar

    The fence will help a lot! Time will help too. I know where you are coming from though…hang in there!

  25. aud neal Avatar

    such a hard decision to make, Steph.
    Is he crate-trained? That always made a big difference in our dogs, in terms of giving us a little more freedom during the day, etc.

  26. aud neal Avatar

    such a hard decision to make, Steph.
    Is he crate-trained? That always made a big difference in our dogs, in terms of giving us a little more freedom during the day, etc.

  27. Lisa Avatar

    Oh Steph, I am sorry you are having a hard time. I don’t have a dog but I do feel for you. I will be praying that the fence company gives you an amazing quote and this will solve all of your problems. I am sure once he grows up you all will cherish him dearly.

  28. Lisa Avatar

    Oh Steph, I am sorry you are having a hard time. I don’t have a dog but I do feel for you. I will be praying that the fence company gives you an amazing quote and this will solve all of your problems. I am sure once he grows up you all will cherish him dearly.

  29. lynn Avatar

    its is tough and i can sooooo feel for you. i have had my mutts for 11 years and now that they’re old they’re driving me crazy w/accidents and you can’t go anywhere w/o sticking them on the lanai or paying someone to walk and feed them. for the reasons you list after these there will not be more but i can’t get rid of them either. sigh.

  30. lynn Avatar

    its is tough and i can sooooo feel for you. i have had my mutts for 11 years and now that they’re old they’re driving me crazy w/accidents and you can’t go anywhere w/o sticking them on the lanai or paying someone to walk and feed them. for the reasons you list after these there will not be more but i can’t get rid of them either. sigh.

  31. Nancy Jones Avatar

    that is tough. we have a dog and i dont feel he gets enough attention. He lives outside because my daughter is allergic and i feel so bad for him. I want him inside because I feel so guilty.BUT my child is allergic. I KNOW I feel so horrible. She plays with him alot and we talk to him and stuff but I feel he is bored and lonely out there. I hate having the guilt like he is a zoo animal back there some times.

  32. Nancy Jones Avatar

    that is tough. we have a dog and i dont feel he gets enough attention. He lives outside because my daughter is allergic and i feel so bad for him. I want him inside because I feel so guilty.BUT my child is allergic. I KNOW I feel so horrible. She plays with him alot and we talk to him and stuff but I feel he is bored and lonely out there. I hate having the guilt like he is a zoo animal back there some times.

  33. Michelle Lanning Avatar

    wow what a tough decision – but I agree the fence would probably allow you more freedom. Good luck in your decision.

  34. Michelle Lanning Avatar

    wow what a tough decision – but I agree the fence would probably allow you more freedom. Good luck in your decision.

  35. terri davenport Avatar

    I could have written this post last year. Only the dog wasn’t my idea. and i had a fence. Except he would dig through that fence because he wanted to hang out with the dog next door. We did the invisible fence and it’s worked out well. and it’s kept my sanity. (and the nipping will go away…I remember feeling like it never would..but it did.)

  36. terri davenport Avatar

    I could have written this post last year. Only the dog wasn’t my idea. and i had a fence. Except he would dig through that fence because he wanted to hang out with the dog next door. We did the invisible fence and it’s worked out well. and it’s kept my sanity. (and the nipping will go away…I remember feeling like it never would..but it did.)

  37. wendymck3 Avatar

    you are a way better doggy mommy than me. milo rarely gets walks. has been known to stay in his crate for up to 7 hours (this morning was 5.5 due to 2 church services and a nice lunch.)although nipping is not his thing, i just threw out zo’s new christmas slippers because he ate off the ear. so we still have our issues.
    my point is, they survive when you leave. you can go for longer than 4 hours. if he can hold it all night, he can hold it longer during the day. there is no reason for you to be beholden to your dog’s schedule.
    yes, a fence would be great. we can only have an invisible one and we never ponied up the money for that either.
    as for the nipping, when milo was younger and still out of control, i hooked him to a leash and wrapped it around my ankle. that way he stayed with me. if i was with everyone else fine. if i needed to leave, he went with me. yes, i’m the “alpha” in my house too and sometimes that is annoying, but he learned that what i wanted was more important than what he wanted and it was a good lesson.

  38. wendymck3 Avatar

    you are a way better doggy mommy than me. milo rarely gets walks. has been known to stay in his crate for up to 7 hours (this morning was 5.5 due to 2 church services and a nice lunch.)although nipping is not his thing, i just threw out zo’s new christmas slippers because he ate off the ear. so we still have our issues.
    my point is, they survive when you leave. you can go for longer than 4 hours. if he can hold it all night, he can hold it longer during the day. there is no reason for you to be beholden to your dog’s schedule.
    yes, a fence would be great. we can only have an invisible one and we never ponied up the money for that either.
    as for the nipping, when milo was younger and still out of control, i hooked him to a leash and wrapped it around my ankle. that way he stayed with me. if i was with everyone else fine. if i needed to leave, he went with me. yes, i’m the “alpha” in my house too and sometimes that is annoying, but he learned that what i wanted was more important than what he wanted and it was a good lesson.

  39. ashley Avatar

    Dogs are hard. That is why we have a cat. We had a dog before Ava was born and had to end up finding a new home for him. We just couldn’t devote the time he needed and deserved to him like we used to.

  40. ashley Avatar

    Dogs are hard. That is why we have a cat. We had a dog before Ava was born and had to end up finding a new home for him. We just couldn’t devote the time he needed and deserved to him like we used to.

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